发布时间:2025-03-05 06:27 发布作者:海外留学生人才网
哥德堡大学(瑞典文:Göteborgs universitet;拉丁文:Universitas Gothoburgensis;英文:University of Gothenburg)简称GU,成立于1891年,坐落于瑞典王国第二大城市、北欧工业中心哥德堡,是一所综合性研究型大学,中欧商校联盟、Mirai、欧洲大学协会成员。
Postdoctor in Molecular Metabolism
University of Gothenburg
Gothenburg (Stad), Västra Götaland (SE)
Salary is determined on an individual basis
Closing date
13 Mar 2025
The Institute of Biomedicine is involved in both research and education. In both of these areas, we focus on fundamental knowledge of the living cell – what it consists of, how it works, how its function is directed by the genetic material, and how it interacts with various kinds of micro-organisms. Using this knowledge, we try to elucidate the causes of diseases, and find new ways to diagnose and treat them.
The Institute is composed of the following four departments:
The Department of Infectious Diseases
The Department of Microbiology and Immunology
The Department of Medical Biochemistry and Cell Biology
The Department of Laboratory Medicine
At present, the institute has about 360 employees and approximately 450 million SEK in total assets.
Subject area
Molecular Metabolism.
Subject area description
Recently, lactate production and regulation of glycolysis has received a lot of interest. The roles of lactate as important energy substrate and signaling substance are particularly interesting. In many cell types aerobic glycolysis play an important role in regulating metabolism and energy turn-over. We have developed both in vitro and in vivo systems to study how metabolic regulation in various tissues take part in regulation of systemic energy turn-over during normal and pathological conditions.
In this project we will study which role lactate plays in the overall energy turn-over, pathophysiological conditions, and adaptation to metabolic stress e.g. starvation. The project aims to understand the molecular mechanisms that underlies regulation of lactate turn-over. Moreover, identify and study factors that mediate lactate induced regulation of systemic energy turn-over and also organ specific adaptation and regulation in liver, brain, muscle and adipose tissue.
The eligibility criteria for employing teaching staff are set out in Chapter 4 of the Higher Education Ordinance and in the Appointment Procedure for Teaching Posts at the University of Gothenburg.
To be eligible for appointment as a postdoc, the applicant is required to have a doctoral degree, a doctoral degree in art or a foreign degree that is deemed to be equivalent to a doctoral degree. This eligibility requirement must be met before the employment decision is made.
In the first instance, those who have completed their degree no more than three years prior to the end of the application period shall be considered. Those who have completed their degree more than three years prior to the end of the application period may also be considered in the first instance if special grounds exist. Special grounds relate to leave of absence due to illness, parental leave, commissions of trust within union organisations, service within the defence services or other similar circumstances, as well as clinical service or service/assignment relevant to the subject area.
Assessment criteria
The ideal candidate will have experience in molecular regulation of metabolism and the techniques used in molecular biology, biochemistry and animal work measuring metabolic parameters such as glucose tolerance tests. Experience in the methods used to monitor metabolism at the molecular level. Any previous experience in microscopy, mass spectrometry, organoid culture, flow cytometry, bioinformatics and in vivo disease modelling will be considered as merits in support of an application. Previous experience in studying neuron metabolism is also a merit. Great emphasis will be placed on the candidate’s personal suitability for the position and clear interest in the subject area.
The qualifications for academic positions are given in Chapter 4, Section 3 - 4 of the Higher Education Ordinance.
The employment is full time and temporary, two years with the possibility of one year's extension, with placement at the Institute of Biomedicine. First day of employment as agreed.
Selection process
Help for applicants
Contact information
If you have any questions about the position, please contact Sven Enerbäck, Professor, +46 31 786 3334, sven.enerback@medgen.gu.se
Union representatives at the University of Gothenburg can be found here: https://www.gu.se/om-universitetet/jobba-hos-oss/hjalp-for-sokande
Submit your application via the University of Gothenburg’s recruitment portal by clicking the “Apply” button. It is your responsibility to ensure that the application is complete as per the vacancy notice, and that the University receives it by the final application deadline.
The application should contain:
A cover letter giving a brief description of previous research experience, and a motivation to why you are applying
A CV including a list of publications
Proof of completed PhD
Contact details of two references
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